Children Of Light

Real Deal Life Skills Readiness Program
Violence and disrespect towards self and others are leading to a raise in suspension rates and arrests for youth around the country. Our young people seem to have no sense of consequence and give little thought for the value of a good education. These variables, coupled with classroom overcrowding and budget cuts, make for an almost impossible learning environment. Suspension has often been the main punishment for violators of school policies and rules. Though suspensions may offer a quick fix, it will not remedy the underlying issues causing on-going deviate behavioral patterns. In some cases, suspensions may actually cause more harm than good. With the high pace of the SOL, students that are suspended repetitively, may eventually fall through the cracks, never catch up and remain disruptive elements throughout their scholastic careers. Unfortunately, many of these young people end up in the penal system or worse.
The Children Of Light/Real Deal Life Skills Readiness Program is intended to help provide our participants with the essential life skills, coping mechanisms, relevant training techniques and vital information that will guide them onto the road to success, as well as, becoming well-rounded, functional members of our competitive global society. The objective of the Children Of Light/Real Deal Life Skills Readiness Program is to reinforce the social graces and decision-making of our participants. Our participants will gain the discipline and confidence to be successful in the classroom and most social settings. This program is designed to teach children manners, respect and responsible decision-making; raise self-esteem, promote teamwork and fair play, while deterring defiant and abusive behavioral patterns. Program activities include; interactive lectures and open forums, role playing, reading exercises, guest speakers, field trips, anger management and coping exercises and more.
Most participants and members of the COL/RDLS Readiness Program will have the opportunity to assist in our fund raising efforts. In doing so, they are eligible to be compensated *monetarily. However, the compensation can be fined for participant’s failure to follow COL/RDLS Rules and Expectations (*Monetary compensation from this program is never to be construed as “pay” but rather an incentive of the COL/RDLS program. (See COL/RDLS Infraction List).
The Children Of Light/Real Deal Life Skills Readiness Program has 8-Sections that can be augmented to fit any size group. Schools or organizations may select which selections they would prefer covered.
1. Basic Manners
2. Respecting Yourself & Others (Where’s the Love)
3. Accepting Responsibility for Self and Your Community
4. Making The Good Impression ( Learning the Art Of Small Talk)
5. Attitude Adjustment (How To Maintain A Positive Mental Attitude)
6. Telephone Etiquette & Basic Customer Service
7. Get You Elbows Off The Table (Basic Table Etiquette)
8. Money Management
Each section is intended to raise our participant’s awareness of themselves, increase their positive outlook and encourage respect for self and others. COL/RDLS participants will also reap the benefits of good decision making and gain the confidence that comes from having the ability to positively engage people in most social settings and situations.
The COL/RDLS curriculum is based on the book The Youth’s Educator for Home and Society (Being a manual of correct deportment for boys and girls as well as for teens who have been denied privileges and benefits arising from social intercourse, with choice chapters upon kindred topics) written by Mrs. Anna R. White in 1896, which creates a framework of what she believed young people need to know, beyond saying "thank you" and "please" to feel comfortable in social settings. Though times have changed, we have found the information invaluable. The COL/RDLS program was created for youth ages 9-16. However, we have found that older teens and even adults have benefited from the information that the “Readiness” program provides.
Though the Children Of Light/Real Deal Life Skills Readiness Program is not grade given, we do however understand that for a child to be successful on any level they must at least attend school. Under normal circumstances, most students spend the same amount of time in class each day. Some make A’s. Some make F’s. We question; (1)If students are in school, why would they not go to class? (2)If they go to class, why would they not get there on time? (3)If students get to class on time, why not have the proper materials to do the work? (4)If they have the proper materials to do the work, why would they not do it? (5)If students are doing the work, why would they not complete it? (6)Or, if they don’t understand the work, why not ask for help? (7)If they need additional help, why not use a tutor? The COL/RDLS addresses each of these issues. Within our programs unique reward/infraction system, we have found the incentives offered our members and participants, are worth them staying on track and on task.
The Children Of Light/Real Deal Life Skills, Readiness Program staff will provide each of its participants with a Weekly Progress Remittance Form (WPRF) Monday mornings during check-in procedure. Our participants are required to have each teacher, of each class, report their presence, class participation and behavior. This form will be completed and submitted to COL/RDLS Staff each Friday evening before receiving new WPRF and stipend stub showing the amount that will be awarded to participant on the following Friday. ALL INFRACTIONS WILL BE LISTED ALONG WITH DATE OF INFRACTION, FINES IMPOSED AND TOTAL AMOUNT DEDUCTED FROM “STIPEND”.
COL/RDLS Readiness Program Rules and Expectations
Children Of Light/Real Deal Life Skills members and participants are require to exude the most becoming behavior at ALL TIMES. Members and participants are expected to show up to class each day, on time with the proper attitude and materials to perform optimally. Members and participants are required to turn in all work on time and in order. Members and participants are required to attend weekly COL/RDLS meetings. Members and participants are required to participate in tutoring or extracurricular activities at least once weekly. Members and participants are also required to follow all of the rules of home, school and community.